کلمات کلیدی
حمل calculator بار برنامه اندروید lifting محاسبه

برنامه اندروید محاسبه حمل بار lifting calculator
برنامه اندروید محاسبه حمل بار lifting calculator

.apk   lifting calculator.apk (اندازه 5.94 MB / تعداد دانلود: 45)

[عکس: lifting%20calculator.png]

About this app

Calculates the legally allowed lifting weight during a work situation.

Easily calculates the maximum allowed lifting weight on the work situation you enter according to the Niosh formula. (Formula: RWL = 23 kg × Hf × Vf × Df × Af × Ff × Cf)

- Enter how long one lifts in a day (Lift duration)
- Enter how often the object is lifted per minute (Lifting Frequency)
- Indicate what the object looks like (Packed or loose)
- How are the measurements? 
- Is the object to be lifted optimally manageable?
- What is the horizontal distance from the body to the object to be lifted?
- What is the vertical distance from the object to be picked up to its final destination?
- What is the angle of rotation, if any, that one has to make?
- What distance should be covered? (vertical displacement)

The result in the middle shows what the maximum lifting weight may be in the situation you entered. Enter the calculator for both the initial situation (picking up) and the final situation (setting down). The lowest weight is the maximum allowed weight. If the specified weight is exceeded, you must take measures. Think of a lifting aid or a task rotation.

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موضوع نویسنده پاسخ بازدید آخرین ارسال
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