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to visual new easy assessment use through management method postural

New easy to use postural assessment method through visual management

New easy to use postural assessment method through visual management

Matteo Savino a, Antonio Mazza a, Daria Battini b
a University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy
b University of Padua, Padua, Italy


Earlier studies have demonstrated the strong relationships between manual assembly work with a high repetition level and the presence of repetitive strain injuries (RSI) or repetitive motion illnesses (RMI). Moreover, recent works have also correlated the high physical load level in assembly lines with an increased number of quality defects in finished products. Thus, the ergo-quality level of a manual workstation needs to be carefully monitored not only to respond to the legislation but first of all to ensure a high system productivity level in the medium-term perspective. The objective of this study was to develop and test a new easy-to-use postural assessment tool and its performance in a car component assembly system. The results show the promising potential of the methodology particularly when compared with the well-known OCRA method

.pdf   New easy to use postural assessment method through visual management.pdf (اندازه 2.05 MB / تعداد دانلود: 35,441)

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