مقدمه ای بر ایمنی در آزمایشگاه شیمی
نوع فایل: PDF
تعداد صفحات: 234 در هر صفحه 1 اسلاید
منابع مورد استفاده:1.Hill, JR. R. H.; Finster, D. C. "Laboratory Safety for Chemistry Students" John Wiely & Sons Inc. 2010.Crowl, D. A.; Louvar, J. F. "Chemical Process Safety Fundamentals with Applications" 2nd Ed. Prentice Hall PTR. Prentice Hall Inc. 2002.Nielsen, E.; Østergaard, G.; Larsen, J. C. "Toxicological Risk Assessments of Chemicals: A Practice Guide" Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. 2008.Pohanish, R. P.; Greene, S. A. "Wiley guide to Chemical Incompatibilities" John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2009.Watch, D.D. "Building Type Basic for Research Laboratories" John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001.Cheremisinoff, N. P. "Handbook of Hazardous Chemical Properties" Butterworth Heinemann, 2000."Safety in Academic Chemistry Laboratories" 7nd Vol. 1&2. American Chemical Society Washington, DC. 2003.Leeuwen, C. J. V.; Vermeire, T. G. "Risk Assessment of Chemicals An Introduction" 2nd Ed Springer 2007.Furness, A.; Muckett, M. "Introduction to Fire Safety Management" Butterworth- Heinemann 2007.Griffin, B. " Laboratory Design Guide" 3nd Ed. Architectural Press 2005