کلمات کلیدی
فردی حفاظت وسایل شنوایی

وسایل حفاظت فردی شنوایی
وسایل حفاظت فردی شنوایی
    اهمیت استفاده از وسایل حفاظت شنوایی 
    آشنایی با انواع تجهیزات حفاظت شنوایی: مزایا و معایب
    انتخاب وسیله حفاظت شنوایی مناسب در محیط کار
    جاگذاری مناسب وسایل حفاظت شنوایی
    بررسی مناسب بودن جاگذاری
    نگهداری و مراقبت از وسایل حفاظت شنوایی
    ارزیابی  کارایی و تاثیر وسایل حفاظت شنوایی
    آموزش شاغلین در استفاده از وسایل حفاظت شنوایی
    معاینات پزشکی قبل از استفاده از وسایل حفاظت شنوایی

دکتر کیوان کرمی فر، استادیار گروه طب کار دانشگاه علوم پزشکی یزد
نوع فایل: PDF
تعداد صفحات: 18

.pdf   وسایل حفاظت فردی شنوایی.pdf (اندازه 1.72 MB / تعداد دانلود: 5,385)

منابع مورد استفاده:
FRANZ, R.M. and PHILLIPS, J.I. Noise and Vibration. (In: Guild, R., Erlich, R.I., Johnston, J.R., and Ross, M.H. eds. Handbook of Occupational Health Practice in the South African Mining Industry. Johannesburg: The Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee). 2001
ISO 4869-1: 1990. Acoustics—Hearing protectors - Part 1: Subjective method for the measurement of sound attenuation. Geneva: International Organization for standardization
ISO 4869-2: 1994. Acoustics—Hearing protectors—Part 2: Estimation of effective A-weighted sound pressure levels when hearing protectors are worn. Geneva: International Organization for standardization
ISO/TR 4869-3: 1989. Acoustics—Hearing protectors— Part 3: Simplified method for the measurement of insertion loss of ear-muff type protectors for quality inspection purposes. Geneva: International Organization for standardization
ISO/TR 4869-4: 1998. Acoustics—Hearing protectors— Part 4: Measurement of effective sound pressure levels for level-dependent sound-restoration earmuffs. Geneva: International Organization for standardization
MHSA 1996. Mine Health and Safety Act, Act 29 of 1996. Pretoria: South African Government Printer. SABS 083: 1996. third revision. The measurement and assessment of occupational noise for hearing conservation purposes. Pretoria: South African Bureau of Standards
SABS 1451-1: 1988. Standard Specification for: Hearing protectors, Part 1: Ear-muffs. Pretoria: South African Bureau of Standards
SABS 1451-2: 1988. Standard Specification for: Hearing protectors, Part 2: Ear-plugs. Pretoria: South African Bureau of Standards
SABS 1451I-3: 1998. Standard Specification for: Hearing protectors, Part 3: Ear-muffs attached to a safety helmet. Pretoria: South African Bureau of Standards
R.M. FRANZ Hearing conservation: Enhancing the effectiveness of a personal protection strategy, CSIR Division of Mining Technology, 2003
Julia and Larry Royster, Sydney Cheryl Sutton. A Guide to Developing and Maintaining an Effective Hearing Conservation Program, N.C. Department of Labor Division of Occupational Safety and Health, 2002-2003
Sound Advice: A Guide to Hearing Loss Prevention Program, Work Safe BC, 2006
Preventing Noise-induced Occupational Hearing Loss, American Academy of Audiology: October 2003
Criteria for a Recommended Standard, Occupational Noise Eexposure, NIOSH, 1998
Guide to Best Practice for the Implementation and Management of Mine Hearing Conservation Programmes, Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee, 2005

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