کلمات کلیدی
enhanced in improving design under incident mutual interface computerized and performance diagnosis by awareness team

Mutual awareness: Enhanced by interface design and improving team performance in incident diagnosis under computerized
Mutual awareness Enhanced by interface design and improving team performance in incident diagnosis under computerized working environment

    Xihui Yuana, Manrong Shea, Zhizhong Lia, , , Yijing Zhangb, , , Xiaojun Wua

    a Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China
    b National Key Laboratory of Human Factors Engineering, China Astronaut Research and Training Center, Beijing, 100094, China

    Received 21 July 2015, Revised 25 April 2016, Accepted 2 May 2016, Available online 12 May 2016


Mutual Awareness, which measures understanding of the behaviors and status of other members in a team is supposed to influence team decision-making process in safety-critical tasks/systems. This study aims to explore enhancement of mutual awareness by adding a Mutual Awareness Tool (MAT) on a user interface and examining its effects on team diagnosis performance in emergency situations of a simulated nuclear power plant system. According to the experimental results, the embedded MAT on the operation interface enhanced team mutual awareness significantly, and improved incident diagnosis performance. The results also showed that the increase in mutual awareness led to a reduction of individual situation awareness, possibly due to the limited mental resources


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