کلمات کلیدی
a model three biomechanical development lifting of dimensional validation dynamic and for

Development and validation of a three dimensional dynamic biomechanical lifting model for
Development and validation of a three dimensional dynamic biomechanical lifting model for lower back evaluation for careful box placement

Damon Stambolian a, Moataz Eltoukhy b, Shihab Asfour a
a College of Engineering, University of Miami, 1251 Memorial Drive, McArthur Engineering Building, Room 268, Coral Gables, FL 33146, USA
b Department of Kinesiology and Sport Sciences, School of Education & Human Development, University of Miami, 1507 Levante Avenue, Max Orovitz
Building, Room 132, Coral Gables, FL 33146, USA


One of the major causes to low back injury is the box lifting activity, thus for many years biomechanics has been utilized by designers for ergonomic evaluations of the box lifting activity which includes the placement of the box. More recently these ergonomic investigations have focused on the careful placement of the box. The AnyBody (AB) biomechanical models and optimization within the AB software system in conjunction with motion capture has been shown to obtain adequate estimates of joint reaction forces of the body. To date there has not been a dynamic 3D box lifting model developed and validated for carefully placing a box using the AB modeling system and motion capture. Thus the focus of this paper is on the development, verification and validation of a box lifting full body model for lower back evaluations for a dynamic lifting activity for carefully placing a box on a shelf


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