کلمات کلیدی
modeling view anthropometric images body orthogonal based on

Anthropometric body modeling based on orthogonal-view images
Anthropometric body modeling based on orthogonal-view images

Xiaojing Zhou a, *, Jinxiang Chen b, Guohua Chen c, Zhengxu Zhao d, Yong Zhao e
a School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, PR China
b School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, PR China
c School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, PR China
d School of Computing and Informatics, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhang 050043, PR China
e System Consulting Dept., Aimnext Inc., Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105-0013, Japan


This paper presents an efficient and convenient method for creating an anthropometric model of a real person. First, 3D surface body models based on orthogonal-view photographs are reconstructed, and then skeletal systems for the reconstructed models are matched. A total of 26 anthropometric data items are measured using the surface and skeletal models. Some anthropometric data are measured directly on the deformed surface models, whereas others are estimated from the matched skeletal systems by kinematic analysis. A comparison of the anthropometric data from the reconstructed model with data from the corresponding real person demonstrates that the methodology proposed in this paper has high efficiency and precision. These models will satisfy consumer demand for higher product personalization and therefore product comfort, and they are likely to be widely used in future ergonomic research
Relevance to industry

A convenient and efficient method to create individual anthropometric models is proposed. These models will help people create their own anthropometry databases and satisfy their demand for higher product personalization and therefore product comfort. The industrial applications include mass customization, computer-aided drafting, online custom-made design, and ergonomic evaluation

.pdf   Anthropometric body modeling based on orthogonal-view images.pdf (اندازه 3.43 MB / تعداد دانلود: 13,818)


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