کلمات کلیدی
sound in materials media propagation of porous modelling absorbing

Propagation of Sound in Porous Media Modelling Sound Absorbing Materials
انتشار صدا در محیط متخلخل_مدل سازی مواد جذب صدا
Propagation of Sound in Porous Media Modelling Sound Absorbing Materials

Plane waves in isotropic fluids and solids
Acoustic impedance at normal incidence of fluids. Substitution of a fluid layer for a porous layer
Acoustic impedance at oblique incidence in fluids. Substitution of a fluid layer for a porous layer
Sound propagation in cylindrical tubes and porous materials having cylindrical pores
Sound propagation in porous materials having a rigid frame
Biot theory of sound propagation in porous materials having an elastic frame
Point source above rigid framed porous layers
Porous frame excitation by point sources in air and by stress circular and line sources – modes of air saturated porous frames
Porous materials with perforated facings
Transversally isotropic poroelastic media
Modelling multilayered systems with porous materials using the transfer matrix method
Extensions to the transfer matrix method
Finite element modelling of poroelastic materials

Title: Propagation of Sound in Porous Media: Modelling Sound Absorbing Materials
Author(s): Jean Allard, Noureddine Atalla
Series: Periodical
Publisher: Wiley City
Year: 2009 Edition: 2
Language: English
Page: 374

.pdf   Jean Allard, Noureddine Atalla-Propagation of Sound in Porous Media 2e-Wiley 2009.pdf (اندازه 2.55 MB / تعداد دانلود: 5)

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پیام‌های این موضوع
Propagation of Sound in Porous Media Modelling Sound Absorbing Materials - توسط masoomi - 05-17-2018، 08:37 PM

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